Emotional Balance in Times of Crisis: Transcend
On December 14, 2012 the plan was to get another blog written for the website. While making preparations I received news of the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. This was devastating, the tragically lost lives of 20 babies, ages 6 and 7, gunned down along with teachers and school workers. How does one write an uplifting, positive post when surrounded by such sadness, devastation and needless violence? What are the solutions, the essential oils, that give relief to the stress, anxiety and fear this may cause?
Then, and still, the theme of this website is to promote lifestyle choices for physical and emotional health and wellbeing. The challenge, when affairs like this call for attention, is to address these in a way representative of the focus on individual health, emotions, and the potential of spiritual dilemma.
When swimming in the darkness of depression, fear and anxiety, it can be difficult to find your center
I felt, as I was writing the post in 2012, it would be inappropriate to disregard the events of the time or the very real emotional states caused by intensely horrific issues. The post I wrote that day became a poem, of sorts, called Transcend.
The premise of the post was to rise above the feelings and emotions triggered by these events, not to ignore or try to escape them. When swimming in the darkness of depression, fear and anxiety, it can be difficult to find your center, your balance, and to seek personal solutions to deal with the psychic heaviness.
is a process for allowing essential oils to be a guide through troubling times,
expressing a desire to be proactive, rather than reactive.
Transcend uses the personalities and features of plants, and the essential oils derived from those plants, as a way of expressing a desire to be proactive, rather than reactive. Transcend is a subjective, sometimes cryptic, message and a process for allowing essential oils to be a guide through troubling times.
On this day, March 28, 2020, we are in the midst of a global viral pandemic unlike any experienced by the generations of people on this planet. One positive aspect of this pandemic is that it has made it abundantly obvious, like nothing has ever shown us before, that there is inescapable and unavoidable global connection and interaction. The virus is located everywhere on this planet. It is effecting all humans across the globe, whether they have the virus, know someone close who has died, or have been in isolation to prevent further spread.
What I wrote in December 2012, Transcend, is relevant to the experience of living through a global pandemic. Though this is nothing similar to the slaughter of young children. That post was removed years ago during a website restructure. Here, now, I would like to repost Transcend as a suggestion that we can, and will, move forward, overcome, and proceed to the goal of health and vitality in our own lives, the lives of all others and across the planet. This is Transcend.
News is dark.
Events in the U. S. are riddled with the slaughter of innocence.
Fear is the commodity of politics.
Sometimes you just have to.
Find your Buddha.
Maintain your Zen.
Be your Yogi.
Hold your Intention.
Yeah. OK. Right.
We can look to nature. To find beauty.
Though. With a depressed mind.
We see angry, violent and destructive storms.
Animals fighting for their territory in suburban neighborhoods.
And. Nature reconstructed for commercial gain.
Find your Buddha - maintain your Zen.
Be positive. Be proactive.
A little help - maybe?
Within the connective essence of the plants.
There lies a substance that can transmit through olfactory memory.
Hold your Intention. Transcend.
Communication through fragrance.
The tall pines, spruce, cedars and fir.
Dispersing their needle oils.
Diffusing the environment with strength. And purpose.
Opening the respiratory channels.
The sage and resins of the desert.
Relieving the senses of overload.
Letting go.
Easing the mind of chatter - no “monkey mind.”
Clarity through emptiness.
Encompassing the life force. The sun.
Encased in the fruit peel. The flowers.
Solid foundations provided by roots.
Stability. Grounded. Secure.
Find your Buddha. Transcend.
Maintaining your Zen.
Blend with the Intention of a Wizard.
Atlas Cedarwood
Black Spruce
Breathe. Deeply.
Wear this as your fragrance.
Anoint. Pray. Meditate.
Intention. Transcend.